Making a Mold & Deckle
for the Home or the Classroom - Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 10 
  • Carefully hammer down the staples until they are flush with the wood frame.
Carefully hammer staples so they are flush with wood


Step 11 
  • Apply a strip of duct tape over the staples and screen. Trim the excess to the edge of the frame. Do not wrap the excess tape around the frame, because it will become clogged with paper pulp. The tape is also more likely to ware and fray if wrapped around the wooden frame.
Apply duct tape to cover the staples


Step 12
  • Apply two to three coats of marine spar varnish to the frame (allow manufacturer's suggested dry times between coats). Take care not to get any on the open screen area. It will block the holes. If some varnish gets on the screen, dab it with a rag to remove the excess. Marine spar varnish is important because of the time the mold and deckle spend in water.
Apply 2 to 3 coats of varnish to complete the mold and deckle
  • The completed mold and deckle are ready to be used.

Completed mold and deckle


Variations for Making a Mold and Deckle
  • Picture Frames can be purchased and used to replace steps 1 and 2. Just be sure to purchase two frames that are the same exact size and shape. The wooden sides need to have a square profile. The rest of the steps remain the same.

  • Embroidery Hoops can also be used to make a mold and deckle. The screen is held within one set of hoops to make the mold. Another hoop is then used to make the deckle. The shape of the paper becomes an interesting round shape using these molds and deckles.

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