3-D images

Some of the images in our galleries can be viewed in three-dimensions. This requires a pair of red-blue 3-D glasses also called anaglyph glasses. Just how this works and how we see three dimensions is the topic of this page.

With two eyes we have the ability to see depth, or as it is sometimes called 3-D. Depth occurs when images from two different angles are interpreted by our brain.

Our eyes are separated by a distance of about 2.5 inches, and because they are separated, we see objects from two different angles.  To experience this, try this test.

3-D images mimic what our eyes do naturally. An anaglyphic 3-D picture is made from two different images. In most cases, two pictures are taken with a camera. Each image is taken at a slightly different angle similar to the angle each of our eyes normally sends to the brain. The left image is colored red and the right image is colored blue. The images are then combined into one picture for 3-D viewing. At this point the 3-D picture looks blurred to the naked eye. 

When you put on 3-D glasses with red and blue filters, your left eye sees only the red image and your right eyes sees only the blue image.  Your brain combines the images from each eye to "see" depth or 3-D.

For the Paper Project 3-D images, two different projections were made using a computer. Projections can be made at slightly different angles so they mimic the angle each eye would naturally see. The projections are colored red for the left eye and blue for the right eye. The images are combined, and viewed using 3-D glasses. Thanks to our brain, the combined images now show the fibers of paper in 3-D.

What does the word 'anaglyph' mean?

an-a-glyph (an'-a-glif). - an image made up of two slightly different views (angles), in contrasting colors, of the same subject; when viewed using a pair of corresponding filters, the picture appears three-dimensional.

Want to try making your own 3-D images for anaglyph viewing?

The following link is to some free software can be used to create 3-D images from stereo pair images. 



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