The people behind Paper Interiors The technology behind Paper Interiors Developement of Paper Interiors The performace of Paper Interiors

Here are a few details about the technology behind Paper Interiors. If you want to learn more, click on the "How Did They Do That?" icon next to each technology.

papermaking Link to 3-D Information

Papermaking is one of the oldest technologies known. The virtual spaces that the dancers performed in were microscopic views from handmade paper no larger than the period at the end of a sentence.

Link to 3-D Information microscopy

The virtual 3-D spaces were generated using a scanning-laser confocal microscope in the W. M. Keck Bioimaging Laboratory at ASU. This microscope, coupled with a computer system, allows viewers to see the 3-D structure of microscopic materials.

3-D images Link to 3-D Information

Stereo glasses were used to see the virtual spaces in the performance. These classic red-blue glasses permitted the audience to see dancers within the paper fibers.

projection system

To encompass the dancers in a virtual environment, a total of five liquid crystal display (LCD) projectors were used. Four of the projectors were set in fixed positions, while the fifth projector was controlled by the Video Orienting and Placement Device (VOPD) developed at the Institute for Studies in the Arts.

Each device was connected either to a standard DVD player containing video or directly to computer systems that displayed still images.

printing technology

One of the newest technologies explored with Paper Interiors was large format printing on material for costume design. This involved using an HP Designjet 5000PS, UV inks, and paperbacked material.

Photos by Mike Hagelberg, CJ Kazilek & Assegid Kidané

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